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Heilongjiang putty powder layering treatment method

Release time: 2023-03-09 08:42:31

News source: Heilongjiang Haole Jia building Materials Co., LTD

  Heilongjiang putty powderA layered approach
  1, due to the use of water-resistant putty powder belongs to the slow-drying type,The current batch of products will be scratched on the wall with the extension of time or by wet weather, water will increase its hardness,During the construction, the time interval between the former and the later batch scraping construction is longer,When the latter construction is completed, the grinding will begin,Loose outer layer,Easy to grind,When some places wear through the previous one,Because the previous one was placed for a long time,较硬,Hard to grind,So grind out two different effects of the wall,You get something like stratification。

  2. When the batch is scraped, the pressure is too solid, the collection is too smooth, the time interval is long, and the hardness of the outer surface film will be different from that of the surface layer due to the influence of wet weather and water,When sanding,Because the hardness of the surface film is different from that of the surface,The inner layer is loose,Easy to grind deep,The hardness of the surface film is higher,Hard to grind,You get stratification。

Heilongjiang putty powder

  Heilongjiang putty powderHierarchical processing method:
  1, after the completion of the previous construction, due to other reasons can not be completed at one time caused by a long time interval, or due to wet weather, rainy season, water and other reasons;It is recommended that two strips of putty powder should be scraped in the next construction, so as to avoid the delamination phenomenon caused by grinding the bottom。
  2, batch scraping the last one should be careful not to press too solid, need to polish the wall can not be polished, the surface of the pinholes, knife marks can be flat, if the wet weather (commonly known as the south day), rainy season should suspend the operation, such as the weather can be used when the weather improves。If you encounter wet weather and rain when the last batch is scraped, it should be polished the next day to avoid the grinding delamination caused by the water absorption of the wall surface film。
  Note: 1, the wall after compaction and polishing should not be polished;2, the rainy season or wet weather should stop the operation, especially in the mountainous areas where the weather conditions are changeable, special attention should be paid;3, water resistant putty powder after construction in normal circumstances should be polished within a week is better。

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